Tips for Primary Readers
Our motto:
Give me fifteen!
15 Minutes a Day Goes a Long Way!
Read Everyday
- Ask your child to read to you (or you read to them.) Make the story come alive. Fill your voice with expression and add sound effects as you read.
- Learning depends on repetition. It is good when children ask for favorites to be read again and again.
- Try to make both reading the story and discussing it a positive experience. Ask questions about the book-both to show you are interested and to check your child’s comprehension. Encourage your child to read and talk about what they read.
- Praise your child! Sincerely express how nice it was to share the reading experience.
- Don’t underestimate your influence on your child’s attitude toward reading.
- Point out letters and words that you run across in your daily life.
- Play alphabet games.
- Make writing materials available to your child and encourage their use.
- Visit your local library on a regular basis and borrow a wide range of books and audio materials. Take part in activities the library provides for children.
- Build a home library.
** Above all: Read, Read, Re-read